Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why am I studying veterinary medicine?

Well, I decided to study medicine veterinary because I like animals and I think that help them is one of most beautiful things in life. When I was a girl I wanted to be a vet, I always was playing with the dogs and cats, and I thought that was only a dream, but now the dream came true, I'm really happy and proud of myself.
My idea is work with horses or little animal's surgery, because always the surgery has caught my attention and with the surgery in too many situations you can get better the animal's health and that's really beautiful, it gives you a kind of peace that it doesn't have price and makes you happy.
Another reason why I'm studying this career is because I had a dog named Shakira, it was my favourite, I was 6 years old when my mom arrived with Shakira at home, and the last year my dog was sick and we take her to the vet, but this man told us that was Ok, so we trust in him but my dog got worst, so we went to the consult of another vet and he told us that my pet had cancer and this disease was very advanced so there wasn't another solution that to pull to sleep to Shakira, I want to be a good vet because I don't want that other animals suffer like my dog.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I decided to study medicine veterinary because I like animals and I think that WF help them is one of most beautiful things in life. When I was a girl I wanted to be a vet, I always was playing with the dogs and cats, and I thought that was only a dream, but now the dream came true, I'm really happy and proud of myself.
    My idea is WF work with horses or little animal's surgery, because WO always the surgery has caught my attention and with the surgery in too many situations you can get better the animal's health and that's really beautiful, it gives you a kind of peace that it doesn't have price and makes you happy.
    Another reason why I'm studying this career is because I had a dog named Shakira, it was my favourite, I was 6 years old when my mom arrived with Shakira at home, and the last year my dog was sick and we TENSE take her to the vet, but this man told us that was Ok, so we TENSE trust in him but my dog got worst, so we went to the WW consult of another vet and he told us that my pet had cancer and this disease was very advanced so there wasn't another solution that to WW pull to sleep to Shakira, I want to be a good vet because I don't want that other animals suffer like my dog

    welld one! it sounds like a very good reason.
    poor Shakira
